Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Gearing Up for Pizza

When it comes to raising babies, seems there's no end to the number of different theories - good or bad - out there. I've found that starting a baby on solids is no exception. While surfing the web on all things baby one day, I came across this approach called "Baby-Led Weaning".

The idea with baby-led weaning is that you let your baby lead the weaning process (I know what your thinking - "well, duh"). Instead of subjecting your little one to an endless barrage of U.P.Os (Unidentified Pureed Objects), baby is given an assortment of different finger foods which s/he feeds to him/herself. Common sense, of course, is used to choose what foods to offer. Baby is probably not quite ready for raw veggies and tough, chewy steaks. But choices like a bagel with hummus (one of Laykha's favorites) and steamed broccoli spears are all fair game. Apparently, a study done on this method found that babies following baby-led weaning were already enjoying pizza and sandwiches by 8 months.

I was taken to the approach because it seems very respectful to baby and teaches independence. Laykha would be a partner in the feeding process. It also gives baby exposure to a lot of different, yummy foods. With a few exceptions here and there, she can pretty much eat whatever we are eating.

I decided to give it a go and have been having a lot of fun with it! We've been blessed with a little one who seems to love to eat anything (heh - a blessing now, but will it be a curse later?) This morning, Laykha sampled banana, steamed sweet potato, steamed carrots and cinnamon-oatmeal pancakes. She has also dined on broccoli spears, peaches, poha (flattened rice), acorn squash, corn bread, bagels and hummus, dumplings, olives and many other delicacies.

In the beginning, I was a bit paranoid when it came to letting Laykha feed herself. She alway seemed to end up with an enormous mouthful of food - I had a really hard time trusting that she could mush it all up on her own. Here we are, though, 6 weeks later, and she's doing just fine. We've had a few gags here and there, but no choking episodes just yet. Bring on the pizza!

Laykha enjoying dinner


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When the baby reaches 2.5 years old stop making special food (less chilli, less spice etc) and start feeding whatever food your family normally makes, baby will soon acquire the taste of your home cooked food. If you delay this process babies will become fuzzy about food and will keep asking for special less spicy food till the age of 10 or so.

10/07/2006 12:33 PM  

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